Pizzas for the People

Design Activism
In the course of a long running ideological conflict North Korea is one of the most culturally isolated countries in the world, which reject any foreign influences through a tight control of media and communication equipment. To protect the North Korean identity from potential damaging western influences, short wave radios for example are banned while TV receiver are locked to tune only to the 3 official channels.
Paradoxically, with the support of pizza loving leader Kim Jong-il the first-ever Pizzeria was recently opened to provide an authentic Italian experience for a minority of wealthy political elite.
With the aim of challenging current cultural obstacles in North Korea, I have contacted a number of Chinese smugglers in China to distribute illegal propaganda over the border to North Korea, through the popular DVD format, which players are widely found in North Korean homes.
‹Pizzas for the People› is the series of designed insertions that explores how design can playfully contribute and impact on a social and cultural level, subtly challenging an ideological status quo.
Paradoxically, with the support of pizza loving leader Kim Jong-il the first-ever Pizzeria was recently opened to provide an authentic Italian experience for a minority of wealthy political elite.
With the aim of challenging current cultural obstacles in North Korea, I have contacted a number of Chinese smugglers in China to distribute illegal propaganda over the border to North Korea, through the popular DVD format, which players are widely found in North Korean homes.
‹Pizzas for the People› is the series of designed insertions that explores how design can playfully contribute and impact on a social and cultural level, subtly challenging an ideological status quo.

디자인 행동주의
북한은 매체와 통신수단의 철저한 통재를 바탕으로한 오랜 문화 봉쇄정책으로 인해 세계에서 가장 문화적으로 고립된 국가로 꼽힌다. 외국 문명으로 부터 북한 고유의 문화 정체성을 지킨다는 명목아래 단파 라디오는 금지되었고, TV 체널은 3개의 북한 공영방송으로 고정되었다. 하지만 역설적이게도 피자를 즐기먹는 김정일을 위해 2008년 평양에 북한 최초 피자점이 문을 열였다.
정치 기득권만 예외인 모순된 북한의 문화 장벽에 도전하기 위해 김황은 피자 만드는 법을 담은 동영상을 제작, 북한 암시장의 루트를 따라 북한 주민들에게 배포하였다. 그 후 약 6개월 동안 북한 주민들로부터 사진, 메모 등의 지속적인 피드백을 받고 있다. 그들은 김황의 동영상을 어떻게 받아들이는가? 그것은 체제를 위협하는 불온선전인가, 아니면 우호적인 제스처인가?
‹모두를 위한 피자›는 어떻게 디자인이 정치적 현상에 도전하여 사회 또는 문화적으로 기여 또는 충격을 가할 수 있는지 표류하는 일종의 디자인/다원예술 실험이다.
정치 기득권만 예외인 모순된 북한의 문화 장벽에 도전하기 위해 김황은 피자 만드는 법을 담은 동영상을 제작, 북한 암시장의 루트를 따라 북한 주민들에게 배포하였다. 그 후 약 6개월 동안 북한 주민들로부터 사진, 메모 등의 지속적인 피드백을 받고 있다. 그들은 김황의 동영상을 어떻게 받아들이는가? 그것은 체제를 위협하는 불온선전인가, 아니면 우호적인 제스처인가?
‹모두를 위한 피자›는 어떻게 디자인이 정치적 현상에 도전하여 사회 또는 문화적으로 기여 또는 충격을 가할 수 있는지 표류하는 일종의 디자인/다원예술 실험이다.

Credit - Film & Documentary
Directed by
Assistant director
Directing Dept.
Photography Dept.
Sound Recording
Boom Operator
Art Director
Costume Design
Hair & Make Up
Textile Design
Graphic Design
Editing Studio
Color Grinding & VFX
North Korea acting, art supervising
Song-moon Kim 김송문, Ha-gyo Jeong 정하교, Hong-kyun Kim 김홍균, Joo-il Kim 김주일
Poster Illustration, artwork
Location help
Thanks to
Mi-young Yun 윤미영, Yoon-a Joe 조윤아, Yun-suck Back 백윤석, Jy-yeon Seo 서지연, A-rum Han 한아름, Seong-joon Lee 이성준, Lingjing Yin 尹灵婧, Jae-sik Gil 길재식, Liam Creighton
Project Supervising
North Korea Distribution
Directed by
Hwang Kim 김황
Yong-ha 용하 - Sang-yeop Yuk 육상엽
In-kyung 인경 - Hee-jung Park 박희정
Merchant 골목장수 - Hwang Kim 김황
Ji-sun Lee 이지선
Dept. Yee-ri Kim 김예리
Assistant director
Dong-hee Lee 이동희
Directing Dept.
Woo-sung Jeon 전우성, Seung-eun Shin 신승은, Hye-jin Kang 강혜진
Dong-hee Lee 이동희
- Hyun-kyu Shin 신현규
Photography Dept.
Kyung-jin Min 민경진, Woo-sung Jeon 전우성
Soo-hyun Yun 윤수현, Jin-woo An 안진우
Sound Recording
Yea-seul Shin 신예슬
Boom Operator
Byung-hyun Lee 이병헌, Jin-kang Kim 김진강
Art Director
Yoon-jung Ahn 안윤정
Costume Design
Soo-in Noh 노수인
Seung-hui Gu 구승희, Jeong-sun Choi 최정선
Hair & Make Up
Style M – Min-jung Shin 신민정
Textile Design
Ga-hwa Lee 이가화
Graphic Design
Ka-won Lee 이가원, Jong-bum Yoon 윤종범
- Seoul - Woo-sung Jeon 전우성
Dandong - Hwe-won Kim 김혜원
Woo-sung Jeon 전우성, Ka-won Lee 이가원
Editing Studio
Sun-min Kim 김선민 스튜디오
Color Grinding & VFX
Mofac Studio 모팩 스튜디오
North Korea acting, art supervising
Song-moon Kim 김송문, Ha-gyo Jeong 정하교, Hong-kyun Kim 김홍균, Joo-il Kim 김주일
Poster Illustration, artwork
Dong-hee Lee 이동희, Ka-won Lee 이가원
Location help
Young-hun Chun 천영헌
Thanks to
Mi-young Yun 윤미영, Yoon-a Joe 조윤아, Yun-suck Back 백윤석, Jy-yeon Seo 서지연, A-rum Han 한아름, Seong-joon Lee 이성준, Lingjing Yin 尹灵婧, Jae-sik Gil 길재식, Liam Creighton
Project Supervising
Onkar Kular, Sebastian Noel
North Korea Distribution
- Mr. Song 송선생님
Music in the Film
Again Again, Heart Beat
I'm Genie for your wish
Sorry Sorry
Lollipop, Fire
I don't care
We wish you a merry Christmas
You are my girl
Girls are flowers
I can't say now.
The best time of life
Written by Rod Temperton
Song by Michael Jackson
Again Again, Heart Beat
Written & Lyrics by JYP
Song by 2PM
I'm Genie for your wish
Written by Dsign Music
Lyrics by Yoeng-jin Yoo 유영진
Song by Girls Generation 소녀시대
Sorry Sorry
Written & Lyrics by Yoeng-jin Yoo 유영진
Song by Super Junior 슈퍼주니어
Lollipop, Fire
Written & Lyrics by Teddy
Song by 2NE1
I don't care
Written & Lyrics by Teddy / Kush
Song by 2NE1
We wish you a merry Christmas
Song by Unknown
You are my girl
Written & Lyrics by Psy
Song by Seung-ki Lee 이승기
Girls are flowers
Written by Jong-oh Lee 이종오
Lyrics by Song-nam Kim 김송남
Song by Boon-hee Lee 이분희
I can't say now.
Written by Kang-hyun Yim 임강현
Song by Dallea Music 달래음악단
The best time of life
Written by Ryong-chool Cho 조령출
Lyrics by Bok-yoon Kim 김복윤
- Song by Kwang-sook Kim 김광숙
Credit – Performance
Production Managed by
Accordion Play
- Sang-yeop Yuk 육상엽
Hee-jung Park 박희정
Jin-ha Oh 오진하
Sang-chul Lee 이상철
Jin-hyang Nam 남진향
Woo-sung Jeon 전우성
Production Managed by
Joo-young Koh 고주영
Accordion Play
Festival B:om 2011 - Cheol-ok Lee 이철옥
Izayoi Yoshidamachi Studio 2012 - Sang-hee Lee 이상희
De Keuze Festival 2013 - Peter Van Os
Theater’s Fight Club - Ines Trickovic
- Belluard Bollwerk Festival 2014 - Oskar Coursin
Temps D’images 2014 - Bogdana Dima
Budapest, Hungary - Johannes Olsson
Akcent Festival 2014 - Gugar Manukjan
English Translation - Hoyoung Ahn 안호영
English Supervising - Peter Ziegler, Oscar Wanless
Japanese Translation - Seung-hyo Lee 이승효
Chinese Translation- Hye-won Chang 장혜원
French Translation - You-mi Han 한유미
French supervising - Hervé Péjaudier
Romanian Translation - Cristina Moura
Hungarian Translation - Janka Kovacs
Hungarian supervising - Irimiás Olga
Czech Translation - Tomas Horak
- Czech supervising - Jana Svobodová
PROJECTS - Selected